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What is toothache

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What is toothache?

In brief:

Toothache exists in many different forms, such as acute or persistent toothache.

There are many different causes of toothache, such as cavities or gum disease.

Symptoms include stabbing pain around the tooth and pain during chewing.

The treatment of toothache is carried out by the dentist. Which treatment is required depends on the cause.

You can prevent toothache in several ways, such as not eating too many sour and sweet foods.

About toothache

Toothache comes in various forms. For example, toothache can suddenly occur (acute) and can be very intense or it can be a continuous, nagging, throbbing pain. Sometimes it only hurts if you drink hot or cold drinks or if cold air flows past your teeth. What kind of toothache you have depends on the cause.

Causes of toothache

Several things can cause a toothache. The main causes of toothache are dental problems. For example, a toothache can be caused by having one (or more) holes, which you also call caries. Caries causes a toothache because the protective layer of your teeth, the enamel, is affected. This is called tooth erosion. Sensitivity to, for example, sweet or sour food or to cold drinks is usually caused by this. The sensitivity can also be caused by the withdrawal of your gums, which exposes your necks. Withdrawal gums can be caused by a gum disease or when you press too hard when brushing your teeth. Other possible causes:

A (gum) inflammation. This can cause an acute and severe pain in your tooth. Dental erosion makes it easier for bacteria from the enamel to penetrate the tooth or molar, after which it starts to inflammate. Without treatment, the tooth marrow can also infect and an abscess can occur. This mainly causes pain when chewing. Your cheek and the lymph nodes in the neck may also swell due to this inflammation. The bacteria in dental plaque can also cause gum disease or an inflamed root canal. A root canal inflammation can also be caused by a leaking filling or by falling, causing a hard blow to your tooth or molar. Gum disease can spread in depth. This can lead to breakdown of your jaw bone and the fibers that connect the roots to the jaw bone. You call this periodontitis.

Broken fill or choose. If chewing only hurts, your molar may be broken or a possible filling in your molar. Toothache after filling the tooth is not uncommon if the tooth comes into contact with cold air or a liquid. However, this pain must disappear after a few days.

A common or crooked wisdom tooth.

A jaw cavity infection.

A middle ear infection. Conversely, toothache can also lead to earache.

Symptoms of toothache

The different causes of toothache can cause a variety of complaints.

A long-lasting, nagging, throbbing toothache (caries, root canal inflammation).

Acute, stabbing pain (inflammation).

Sensitivity with cold or hot food, sweets, cold airflow (tooth erosion, receding gums).

Pain when chewing (abscess, broken filling).

Swollen cheek, gums or lymph nodes in the neck (abscess).

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