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Tips for beautiful skin and a nice smooth face

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Tips for beautiful skin and a nice smooth face

A beautiful, smooth skin without irregularities radiates and looks younger than a skin with imperfections and color differences. If you want beautiful, smooth skin with a natural fresh complexion, you can achieve that by making the skin smoother, improving the complexion and removing unevenness. To determine what you could do for beautiful skin you first have to look closely at your skin, the complexion is good, the skin is smooth enough, there are irregularities, your skin looks gray or dull or is it a combination of these causes. Read my Tips for beautiful skin and a nice smooth face to help your skin to be smooth, radiant and vital. If you want more advice and help, then visit our skin care store. We are experts in the field of skin improvement and can help you further and inform you about treatments and cosmetic products to solve your specific skin problems.

Tip 1 It starts and ends with proper cleaning

Clean your face and neck every morning and evening with milk and lotion adapted to your skin type or opt for a soft wash cream to clean your face. Even if you do not use makeup, your skin must be cleansed every morning and evening. The best method to maintain beautiful, smooth skin for a long time.

Tip 2 Ensure adequate hydration

Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water every day in addition to all other drinks, so in addition to your coffee and your tea (yes even your green tea). A well-hydrated skin from the inside is your basis if it is good then your skin will shine. Take a picture now; drink 2 liters of water every day for 2 weeks and then take a picture. These photos next to each other show you the importance of water.

Tip 3 Let your skin breathe and manipulate its condition

Every week a good peeling for your skin at home to remove the dead skin cells makes your skin feel super smooth and shiny again. Then apply your weekly mask and let it work in for 15 to 20 minutes. Thanks to the peeling, the active ingredients are perfectly absorbed by your skin and your skin is replenished, nourished and hydrated after the mask.

Tip 4 Beauty naturally also comes from within

Good healthy food .... 2 ounces of vegetables and 2 pieces of fruit, very cliché but so essential for healthy skin. Furthermore, eat nuts, seeds, dried fruit as healthy snacks and snacks. Of course the green smoothies are a perfect start to the day and a great snack. Enjoy when you eat, sit in front of it and drink your water half an hour before or after you eat something.

Tip 5 Go to an expert in skin improvement and skin care

Visit the beautician every 6 weeks, the skin specialist can give you the best advice for your skin and knows best what your skin needs. It is the best step to get beautiful skin and keep beautiful skin.

Tip 6 De-stress and move every day

Every day just out in the air, nice for your oxygen supply, empty your head, recharge yourself ... Breathe deeply a number of times, good belly breathing and breathe out completely. Every day a walk or a bike ride or nice exercise in the outdoors is great for healthy skin. Don't forget to protect your skin against the winter cold (winter cream) or the sun (spf cream).

Tip 7 Do a beauty treatment regularly

A cure for the skin, preferably 2 to 3 times a year, you can think of a cure of four fruit peels, 1 deep peel per week, 4 weeks in a row to achieve a good skin regeneration. With this you remove the older skin cells and stimulate the skin to quickly make new, young cells. Your skin shines again after a cure.

Tip 8 Sugar is not good for your skin and body

Eat no sugar, no added sugars, sugar is disastrous for your skin, it has been proven that your skin deteriorates and quickly ages. Cake, candy, chocolate and also alcohol are evil doers for your skin !!

Tip 9 Use skin care that fits your skin type

Use only skin care at home that is for your skin type and is tailored to your skin !! If you use the wrong skin care, it will have very harmful consequences for your skin. Get good advice, have your skin measured and have a good diagnosis made. This can only be done by a beautician after your skin has been cleansed. Never just buy indiscriminately after advice in a store, that assessment is never perfect. Good home care provides you with beautiful, radiant skin.

Tip 10 Night rest is important for good skin care

A good night's rest, really get enough sleep, your skin regenerates at night, your skin renews itself every night, lack of sleep makes your skin obsolete, this has been measured and proven.

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